Daniel (Spring 2025)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: OT 407
Class Hours: Monday 9 - 9:50 AM
The Book of Daniel is about the prophet or statesman Daniel who was taken to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar during the first transportation of Jews from the nation of Judah. The king took the brightest people to Babylon to keep the nation of the Jews in check. The brightest young men were then placed in an environment so that they would learn much about Babylon, education, science, etc.
The class will be a survey class. As the time allows the class will primarily consist of verse by verse, instruction only of the high points of each verse.. However, a number of passages and chapters will be summarized.
Esther (Spring 2025)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: OT 347
Class Hours: Tuesday's 9-9:50AM
The class on the book of Esther will survey the chapters of the book. A little time will be devoted to the culture and the customs of the Persian Empire during the time of Esther.
The authorship is unknown. A number of writers have chosen Mordecai, who was Esther’s uncle. Josephus and Ibn Ezra choose Mordecai.
When the Council of Jamnia met in AD 70 the Book of Esther was already listed as a canonical writing which was accepted in the Old Testament list of books.
Ephesians (Spring 2025)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 310
Class Hours: Tuesday 10-10:50AM
The Epistle to the Ephesians is rated right along with Romans. There is a debate concerning whether Romans or Ephesians is the greater of Paul’s epistles. Most scholars opt for Romans, but a number still are convinced that it is Ephesians.
Paul evidently wrote Colossians first in which his themes were Christ and the universe, and Christ and the Church. Then in Ephesians he wrote more about Christ and the Church, and he added the theme of Christ and man.
Koine Greek (Spring 2025)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: LA 321
Class Hours: Wednesday 9-9:50AM
This class will introduce the student to the basics of the Koine Greek language. Koine Greek was primarily used and spoken from approximately 300 B. C. to 300 A. D. The class will begin by going over very basic items in the alphabet and vocabulary. The next item will be to discuss the verb tenses and the importance concerning the tenses. Once the class has entertained the above participles, infinitives and the various parts of speech will be discussed.
Church Administration (Spring 2025)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PM 410
Class Hours: Wednesday 10-10:50 AM
The class will include students bringing questions to class concerning what they see as problems in their particular congregations and in surrounding congregations. The students must read regularly concerning textbooks and other books that pertain to Church growth and Church administration.
Gospel of Mark (Fall 2024)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 105
Class Hours: Monday's 9:00 - 10:50 AM
The class on the Gospel of Mark will consist of survey material. It is impossible to cover the entire book verse by verse in exegetical style. Cultural dynamics and reasons for Mark’s Gospel having been written will be discussed in the introduction and throughout the semester. The student is not expected to be prepared from the Koine Greek Text, but if he or she knows Greek, please bring any pertinent materials to the class for discussion purposes.
7th Century Minor Prophets (Fall 2024)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: OT 409
Class Hours: Monday's 11:00 - 11:50 AM
The Seventh Century Minor Prophets taught, preached and prophesied during the time of the 700s to the 600s B.C. These prophets were Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah. They are categorized as Minor Prophets. Major and Minor designations only apply to the size of the book.
Concerning the Minor Prophets, each prophet has as message he wants to deliver. Each prophet also has a particular purpose that he wanted to convey in his book to the Jewish people and to others as well.
Acts (Fall 2024)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 103
Class Hours: Tuesday's 9:00 - 10:50 AM
In the Gospels one can discover a short synopsis of the life of Christ. In the Epistles one can see the Church as having been already established. If it were not for the Book of Acts, the beginning of the Church would be a mystery. Therefore, the study of the Book of Acts will cover how the Church began and how it progressed during the first century A. D.
Included in the course will be an extended study of many subjects. For instance, what is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and what does “Speaking in Tongues” really mean? Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Spirit baptism will be other topics, as well as, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Additional subjects such as what really happened on the Day of Pentecost? Another subject is why did the miracles during Jesus’ earthly ministry continue for some time after He ascended to His Father? These subjects and others will be entertained in class.
Colossians (Fall 2024)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 301
Class Hours: Tuesday's 11:00 - 11:50 AM
The Epistle to the Colossians is an exegetical study of the letter to the Colossians. Ephesians will follow Colossians. The class will incorporate grammatical, historical and theological information into the study of this epistle. The historical setting is critical to the materials that will be introduced, and it will be an aid in interpreting the contents of the material in the epistle. Paul is the author of Colossians and he has much to say concerning the Christian teachings found in this epistle.
Jonah (Summer 2024)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: OT 382
Class Hours: Monday's 9:00-10:50 AM
An in-depth study on the book of Jonah.
Hermeneutics (Spring 2024)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PM 436
Class Hours: 9:00 - 9:50 AM
I Timothy & Titus (Spring 2024)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 306
Class Hours: 10:00 -11:50 AM
In-depth study on the 6 chapters of I Timothy.
Koine Greek (Spring 2024)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: Non-Credit
Class Hours: 9:00 - 9:50 AM
A non-credit class to learn the basics of Greek.
Sermon Writing (Spring 2024)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: Non-Credit
Class Hours: 10:00 -11:50 AM
Working together to write Sermons
Intro to Psych II (Spring 2024)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PS 101
Class Hours: Tuesday's 11:00 - 11:50
Continuation from material not covered during the Fall 2023 Semester. However, if you were not in the Fall Semester, you will still be able to participate in this class.
Ezekiel (Spring 2024)
Instructor: Matt Sulllivan
Class Code: OT 405
Class Hours: Friday's :30 - 11:30 AM
Study of the book of Ezekiel
Messianic Prophecy (Spring 2024)
Instructor: Kevin Ziegler
Class Code: OT 386
Class Hours:
Course Description: Messianic Prophecy. The Old Testament foreshadowed the coming of Christ and the Kingdom that Jesus would establish. These prophetical passages show the harmony and fulfillment between the Old and New Covenants. This course presents Old Testament books and passages that prophesy who the Messiah would be, and what He would accomplish in fulfillment of God’s redemptive purpose
Genesis (Spring 2024) - CANCELLED
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: OT 102
Class Hours: 9:00 - 11:50 AM
An in depth study on the 50 chapters of the book of Genesis
The Epistle of I John (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 221
Class Hours: 9 - 9:50 AM
The Churches in Asia Minor were facing two different kinds of Gnosticism
The term Gnosticism means knowledge. That cultic thinking was undermining the Christian
beliefs of the Churches in Asia Minor, so John writes to help the Churches with facing such
teachings. The cultic thinking was undermining the incarnation, the death and the resurrection
of Jesus, thus cutting the heart out of the Gospel.
Intro to Psychology (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PS 100
Class Hours: 10 - 11:50 AM
The class will try to educate the class on the various dynamics that the family faces in this world.
The class will entertain the various psychological needs of men, women and children and how
the world teaches families to fulfill them. These dynamics are incorrect and may mess up critical
dynamics in the Christian family. The dynamics discussed in class will entertain what causes the
dysfunctional family and the affects upon the adults, the children, and when the children
become adult-children. Also, we will discuss the dynamics that create good spiritual and mental
health in the family. These are but a few of the dynamics that will be entertained.
Church Administration (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PM 203
Class Hours: 9 - 9:50 AM
The class will discuss many of the most critical mistakes that are made in administration.
The class will cover the proper structure and set up of the local Church. We will also cover the
principles of Church growth and the items that are most critical when building a new building.
Along with the above the class will go over the best ways to keep new Christians attending
Church once the newness of their initial experience with salvation wears down some.
Revelation (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 406
Class Hours: 10 - 11:50 AM
What is the purpose of the Book of Revelation? Should we take the book literally, historical, or
by allegory? The class on Revelation will note the various views to approaching the book. Also,
was Revelation meant for the Church today, or was it only for the first century Church. We will
also note what materials that are valuable for the Church today. We will even discuss what the
one thousand years mean, the rapture, and whether or not Jesus will have a literal reign on the
The Epistle of James (Summer 2023)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 203
Class Hours: Monday's 9:00-10:50 AM
A number of writers say that this epistle, the Epistle of James, was the only letter that was written strictly to the Jewish Christian. The author is James, the half-brother of the Lord.
This James is also known as “James the Just” and he should not be confused with James the Apostle or James the Less.
The Epistle of James was one of the first New Testament’s letters that was written. Some writers say that First and Second Thessalonians may have been written around the same time, and maybe Galatians. The dates of James and the other letters are dated roughly from A.D. 49-51.
This James, the Lord’s brother, became a leading person in the Church at Jerusalem. A number of people claim that Peter was the first leader in the Church at Rome, but James preceded Peter by some years. The Church at Rome actually started with a plurality of leaders, elders, and it was not until the idea of one bishop, which started in Asia Minor, got to Rome in the second century that one leading elder or bishop began to emerge over the centuries.
Also, the first Church was not started at Rome; the first Church started at Jerusalem.
The class on James will be a verse-by-verse exegetical class. We will meet seven times and each day will include two 50-minute sessions. The classes will meet on Mondays beginning on May first except for Memorial Day. That class will meet on Tuesday the day after Memorial Day.
Principles of the New Testament Church
Instructor: Kevin Ziegler
Class Code: NT 231
Class Hours: 6-8 PM (in person in Florida) also available on-line
Principles of the New Testament Church When you refer to the “church” – what do you mean? This class will study some of the characteristics of the church, which should follow the New Testament pattern.
Deuteronomy Continued (Spring 2023)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: OT 232
Class Hours: 9:00 - 9:50 AM
Deuteronomy Continued from Fall 2022
Christian Doctrine (Spring 2023)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: CD 102
Class Hours: 10:00-11:11.50
Continuation of Corinthians (Spring 2023)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 304
Class Hours: Online ONLY
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: O.T.231
Class Hours: 8:30-9:50
Christian Doctrine 1 2022
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: CD 101
Class Hours: 10:00-11:11.50
I Corinthians 2022
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 303
Class Hours: 10:00-11:50
Acts I
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 231
Class Hours: 2hrs
This class focuses on the beginning history of the early Church. In Acts, Luke discusses the spread of Christianity, the missionary trips of Paul and the results of Paul’s mission work.
Acts II
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 232
Class Hours: 2
Acts II continues it's focus on the beginning of the early church. Luke discusses the spread of Christianity, the missionary trips of Paul and the results of Paul's mission work.
Class Code: CD 364
Class Hours: 2
In this day of moral relativism, tolerance and skepticism towards the very foundations of our culture and beliefs, we must know what we believe and why! We don't just have a religion of wishing, hoping and feeling, but we have a belief system that is based on solid, verifiable evidence!
The class will cover such topics as Defending: (1) The Existence of God, (2) The Trustworthiness of the Bible, (3) the Historical Evidence for and the Deity of Jesus of Nazareth, and (4) Christianity in a world of diverse belief systems.
Christian Doctrine I
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: CD 101
Class Hours: 2hrs
This Christian Doctrine Class discusses the subjects in the Bible which are necessary to understand God’s work and His redemptive purposes for mankind. God’s wisdom is observed as various subjects are presented such as the Church, Christ, the Holy Spirit, faith, repentance, baptism, gift giving in the New Testament, the second coming, and many other subjects.
Church Growth & Leadership 2016
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PM 421
Class Hours: 2
This leadership class is designed to introduce students to the many subjects that should be administered in the Church. This is a practical class that looks at the most important factors necessary in growing the Church by building dynamic plans for new converts, greeting and mission teams, as well as for the various leaders of the Church. We study and answer the questions that are not only critical to the growth of the Church but also to its survival.
I Corinthians
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 303
Class Hours: 2hrs
If there ever was a troubled Church during the first century A.D., it was the congregation at Corinth. This group was divided over personalities and leadership, confused about the Lord’s Supper, revolting against Paul’s teachings, tearing the worship apart with speaking in tongues and ignorant about the resurrection of Jesus. Listed above are a few of the many problems that they faced.
II Corinthians
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 304
Class Hours: 2hrs
This epistle reaches out to a repentant congregation. After receiving first Corinthians many Corinthians began to restructure their lives. Paul is therefore comforting and reassuring in this epistle and he provides additional teaching that is beneficial to the Christian community.
Counseling I
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PS 461
Class Hours: 2hrs
Counseling I and II offer pointers to help Christian ministers with counseling opportunities. This class covers the structuring of a counseling session, the importance of listening and the necessity of helping people work through traumatic events. Other topics include dysfunctional families, primary needs of age groups, and healing from spiritual and mental difficulties.
Counseling II
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PS 462
Class Hours: 2hrs
Counseling I and II offer pointers to help Christian ministers with counseling opportunities. This class covers the structuring of a counseling session, the importance of listening and the necessity of helping people work through traumatic events. Other topics include dysfunctional families, primary needs of age groups, and healing from spiritual and mental difficulties.
Discipleship 101
Class Code: PM 207
Class Hours: 2
This is a simply course on Discipleship using Robert Coleman's book with the same title, "Master Plan of Evangelism," as a basis. There are eight sections in all. Some sections will take up more than one class session. These sections are as follows: Selection, Association, Consecration, Impartation, Demonstration, Delegation, Supervision and Reproduction. Further these sections begin with selecting the disciple or student to be taught and ends in showing him/her how to reproduce themselves by making disciples after their kind.
Dynamics of Individual & Family 2016
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PS 101
Class Hours: 2
This is an introductory Psychology class which presents and discusses the various psychological dynamics that take place in the individual and the family. This class answers the questions concerning why and how people develop many different psychological disorders.
Dynamics Of Individual & Family
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PS 101
Class Hours: 2hrs
This is an introductory Psychology class which presents and discusses the various psychological dynamics that take place in the individual and the family. This class answers the questions concerning why and how people develop many different psychological disorders.
Gospel Of Mark
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 105
Class Hours: 2hrs
Mark’s Gospel was written to the Romans. How could a person accept the Messiah, one who had been executed as a common criminal by the Roman Empire? Mark writes to defend who Jesus really is and to let the Romans discover that all that happened to Christ was part of God’s redemptive plan.
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 403
Class Hours: 2
The class is an exegetical study of the book of Hebrews. We will try to cover as much of the book as possible. The book may not be completed. It is more important that what is covered is clearly understood. Introductory material, the theme and author will be discussed. The recipients will also be pondered.
Hebrews II
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 404
Class Hours: 2
The Holy Spirit
Class Code: NT 392
Class Hours: 2
Thoroughly defining the Holy Spirit. The three members of the godhead (Godhood) are said to indwell every Christian. What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit in man?, The many different manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Campbell's article on the Holy Spirit, The Spirit of truth, The indwelling of the Holy Spirit, The baptism of the Holy Spirit, The seven spirits of God, Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world, Can one receive the indwelt Holy Spirit without water baptism?, The anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Homiletics I
Class Code: PM 205
Class Hours: 2hrs
This is an elementary course in sermon construction. An introduction to discovering what a sermon is, the glory of preaching, and developing a sermon proposition will be covered.
Homiletics II
Class Code: PM 206
Class Hours: 2hrs
This course is a continuation of Homiletics 1. Further treatment will be made pertaining to sermon construction. Developing points, introductions, and conclusions will be covered. Homiletics 1 is a prerequisite.
James & Jude
Class Code: NT 267
Class Hours: James & Jude
James, 1st & 2nd Peter
Class Code: NT 258
Class Hours: 2
In this study, we will investigate the teachings of James, the brother of Jesus. He is moved by the Holy Spirit to write concerning Christian life lived in a practical but obedient manner. In the second part of our study, we will consider the teachings of Peter who was an apostle of Jesus Christ. Most people are familiar with Peter, his walk with Jesus, his failures, and his great accomplishments. Some have elevated him over the years to a place in history he biblically cannot fill. We view these letters as written by two elders in Christ's Church and their concern for His people.
Johannine Epistles
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 221
Class Hours: 1
This class is designed to be an exegetical class in the Johannine Epistles of the New Testament. The class expects to cover the verses with an elementary understanding of the epistles, and to cover the themes and concepts that the epistles contain.
I, II, & III John
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 221
Class Hours: 2hrs
In the Johanine epistles we discuss how John provided direction to the early Christian communities in Asia Minor. Gnosticism was a major obstacle in the area undermining the teachings about Christ. John wrote to undergird the orthodoxy of the Church and to remind the Christian Churches of what they had been taught. John taught the communities in Christ how to watch out for and handle false teachers and leaders that were not grounded in New Testament doctrine and practices.
Moses & The Prophets
Class Code: OT 291
Class Hours: 2
As the Old Testament is the foundation of the New Testament, it seems logical that Christians should understand at least an outline of the Old Testament as they proceed in living for Christ. Therefore this course will structure a basic framework of the writings of Moses and the prophets leading up to and through the last prophet, Jesus Christ Himself.
Pastoral Epistles
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 305
Class Hours: 2hrs
In these epistles, Paul writes to two young men who are in ministry, Timothy and Titus. Paul directs and guides them in the areas of teaching and administration within the Church. In this class, we discuss applying these principles to our present day congregations.
Post-Exilic Prophets
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: OT 411
Class Hours: 2hrs
This class studies the Old Testament Prophets of Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi, their ministries to a struggling Jewish nation, and the nation’s slackness to carry out the directions of GOD.
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 406
Class Hours: 2hrs
Revelation was recorded by the apostle John to encourage the Church and to bring hope and victory to a world that was full of persecution. Although many communities were struggling under extreme distress, God shows them in this book that He is in charge and that they are under His protection. The book provides direction to every generation as it did to the first Christians.
Romans I
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 401
Class Hours: 2hrs
Our studies begin with Paul explaining the theology of the Christian Faith. He explains that neither Jew nor Gentile has any merit before God and that we all come to God through the faith system. Paul shows us the tremendous work that God has done that can all be ours if we choose to obey Him. He also tells us what happened to the Jews concerning the plan of God.
Romans II
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 402
Class Hours: 2hrs
In Romans II, we study the latter chapters of Romans where Paul discusses practical applications that must be considered by the Church and the Christian Individual. He covers practical information in order to help Christians in their living and carrying out God’s will.
I & II Thessalonians
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 205
Class Hours: 2hrs
The Thessalonians only had a short time with Paul when he visited. Being young in the faith they were confused about the resurrection at the end time and other topics as well that Paul writes about in order to correct them and to comfort them.
7th Century Minor Prophets
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: OT 411
Class Hours: 2
These four classes are an introductory study of the Minor Prophets in the Old Testament. The class will normally approach the work of each Prophet as a verse by verse study except where time does not allow such an approach.
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: OT 471
Class Hours: 2
The class will be an exegetical class on Zechariah the prophet. Zechariah is listed among the Minor Prophets. This category only has to do with the length of the book. The lectures will include some history about the time of the prophet and his writing as well as what the situation and environment were before and during his ministry.
New Testament Introduction (Fall 2021)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 100
Class Hours: 1/2
The class in New Testament Introduction will introduce the student to a number of items that are essential. The student will grasp some understanding concerning how the environment and people were during the First Century (from AD 1 to AD 100). A number of topics will be discussed that will add more understanding to Judaism. Discussions will note how the Jewish people and their government functioned while they were under Roman jurisdiction as well as how the Sanhedrin and kings of Judea functioned under Rome. And how did the Jewish people evaluate and work with or not work with the nations that surrounded Judea. Also, the Samaritans will be especially noted. The class may be taken for one or two hours. If student takes class for two hours, extra reading will be assigned.
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PS 321
Class Hours: 2
This class will help the student to become aware of some of the elementary things that may be accomplished in counseling in order to help the client or Church member. Please be aware that this class is not to be taken lightly. Only after twenty years of practice and devoting himself or herself to learning the skills does a person become fairly accomplished in the field. This class will cover some of the elementary principles in counseling that are needed to begin to help people.
Please be aware that in most states across America there are understood requirements. For example, most every state requires that the counselors should know the field, and that they are competent in the field before conducting counseling sessions on their own. Certain medical knowledge is a requirement. Documenting must become a practice for the counselors.
ROMANS - Fall 2021
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 401
Class Hours: 2/3
The two semesters on the book of Romans are a study about one of the most important masterpieces of literature ever written. Ephesians may be the only literature to have been compared by some scholars as equal to Romans. The approach to the book will be exegetical. However, very little time can be allotted to each verse. The class in Romans is an undergraduate class, therefore, becomes a little more than survey work.
Church Growth & Administration Seminar
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PM 203
Class Hours: 1
The class will include students bringing questions concerning what they see as problems in their particular congregations and in surrounding congregations. The students must read regularly concerning textbooks and other books that pertain to Church growth and Church administration.
Topics to be addressed during class will include: What is the true model of Church work? (See Eph. Chapter 4:11-13) How to make a mission's program and its functioning better; How to choose a minister; The purpose of deacons and their work; Are the elders really shepherding the congregation? Is there a quality Sunday school program running and if not, how to help; The various ministries such as greeting, ushering, caring for new Christians in Christ and new transfers, aiding the hurting and those who have lost loved ones; How to do hospital calling and visiting at funeral homes; The five years' plan for the congregation and how we plan to fail; how to help prepare the bride and groom for marriage; And on and on we will go with time permitting.
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 211
Class Hours: 2
John was written during the end of the first century A.D. The Gospel was addressed to people living in Asia Minor that were struggling with many problems. Some writers think that the primary problem in Asia Minor during John's time was Gnosticism. John explains clearly why he wrote to them in John 20:30, 31. He wrote to them so that they may believe in Jesus Christ.
The class lectures will approach the Gospel of John on an exegetical platform. The class will go verse by verse. Time will not permit for the entire book to be approached that way, however. Therefore, please read some of the more advanced commentaries to receive quality understanding of Greek words and phrases as well as commentary and theology.
Exilic Minor Prophets (Fall 2021)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: OT 410
Class Hours: 2/3
The Minor Exilic Prophets taught, preached and prophesied during the time of the Babylonian exile. These prophets were Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah. There were other prophets that may be added to the Exilic Prophets; they would include Daniel, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. These three prophets are listed as major prophets. Major and Minor designations only apply to the size of the book. Daniel, however, is considered by some scholars to be classified as a statesman more than a prophet. Let us not argue the point.
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: HI 303
Class Hours: 2
The class in Restoration History is a brief overview of the history of the Restoration Movement which was an effort to restore the Church to the similarities of the first century Church. The class will attempt to show the principles and reasoning used in the Movement to try to accomplish this purpose.
The class will also discuss the men who had this vision and the work they did to try to accomplish it.
Romans II Spring 2022
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 402
Class Hours: 2
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 206
Class Hours: 2
The class in Luke will be a verse by verse study in Luke's Gospel. The very faniliar passages and parables may be discussed paragraph by paragraph. Luke wrote to Gentiles that were somewhat educated, so it is important to study how Luke did approach various subjects and themes in his Gospel. The class will begin with the preparation of the birth of Christ, and it will end with the ascension of Christ, plus Luke's concluding comments.
NT Intro Spring 2022
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 101
Class Hours: 1
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: OT 462
Class Hours: 2
The class will include an exegetical approach to each verse in the book provided time permits. Hosea is one of the four eighth century prophets; they were so important to their time. Hosea and Amos prophesied in the Northern kingdom, and thier contemporaries, Isaiah and Micah, prophesied in the Southern kingdom. Both Amos and Hosea prophesied before the Northern kingdom fell in 722-721 B.C.
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 311
Class Hours: 2
Gospel of Luke, II 2020
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 207
Class Hours: 2
The class in Luke will be a verse by verse study in Luke's Gospel. The very familiar passages and the parables may be discussed paragraph by paragraph. Luke wrote to Gentiles that were somewhat educated, so it is important to study how Luke did approach various subjects and themes in his Gospel. The class will begin with the preparation of the birth of Christ, and it will end with the ascension of the Christ, plus Luke's concluding comments.
I Corinthians Fall 2016
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 303
Class Hours: 2
I Corinthians will be conducted as an exegetical class. The class will cover each verse trying to determine the content of the verse and to see how it fits into the context concerning where it is found. The class will attempt to cover the first thirteen chapters of I Corinthians. Chapters 14-16, will be covered during the second semester when II Corinthians is taught.
If there ever was a Church in the New Testament that was plagued with its share of problems it was the Church at Corinth. The Church was following different men, unsure of biblical authority, abusing New Testament teachings, questioning apostolic importance, had trouble with marriage and marital relationships, demanding their own rights, defaming the Lord’s Supper, and confused tremendously over the Spiritual gifts, just to name a few of the problems that they experienced.
The book of I Corinthians is an excellent study because it helps the modern church today with the issues that it is facing. The epistle also provides excellent help into solving many of those problems. The epistle provides a wealth of information concerning procedures as well as the dynamics about relationships concerning leadership authority and obedience to leadership.
Sermon Writing
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PM 292
Class Hours: 1
The class will focus on developing and writing sermons.
Greek Class
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: Non Credit
Class Hours: 1:00-1:30
Colossians & Ephesians 2016
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 301
Class Hours: 2
Christian Doctrine, II 2020
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: CD 102
Class Hours: 1
The study of Christian Doctrine is a class designed to acquaint the student to the elementary doctrines in the Bible that are necessary for an elementary understanding of Christianity. The class will discuss the essential nature of these doctrines and the importance of them for grounding others as well as ourselves in the faith. The class is an introductory level class to doctrine.
I Corinthians 2016
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 303
Class Hours: 2
I Thessalonians 2020
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 201
Class Hours: 1 or 2
I Thessalonians will be approached as an exegetical class. The class will focus upon each verse as we work through the Epistle. Various words will be addressed that exist in the letter. This is one of Paul's earliest letters. It is a letter to the Christians, the Church, at Thessalonica.
Paul is now on his second missionary trip. Paul has left Asia Minor and he is traveling down trough Macedonia (northern Greece) from Philippi. In Acts chapter sixteen, Paul has been treated terribly at Philippi. Paul can only stay about three weeks before he has to leave. The Jews are seeking his life. Paul will eventually be at Corinth; he will minister there about 18 months. See Acts chapter eighteen for his ministry at Corinth. This ministry at Corinth was his second longest ministry. Paul's largest ministry was at Ephesus, when he was on his third missionary tour. Paul wrote I Thessalonians some time shortly after being run out of Thessalonica.
The third missionary tour will commence around Acts 18:23. That mission trip is covered in Acts chapters nineteen through twenty-one.
I & II Timothy 2017
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 305
Class Hours: 2
This class will be an exegetical study on the Pastoral Epistles. Each verse will be covered provided the time allows. I & II Timothy will be covered first since some materials in Titus are similar to I Timothy. Please note that even though the class has an exegetical approach much of the process will only be survey work. The student should study these epistles the rest of his or her life in order to obtain the valuable content of these epistles. Please do not take any books in the Bible lightly.
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 404
Class Hours: 2
The class is an exegetical study of the Epistles to the Hebrews. Sessions will try to cover as much of the Epistle as possible. It is important to understand the material. Therefore, the class will proceed as the student understands the material. Introductory material, the theme, and the author will be discussed at the beginning of the class. The recipients of the Epistle will also be discussed.
The class lectures will demonstrate that the recipients were in danger of becoming lazy concerning their Christianity. This laziness was causing people to begin a slippage back into Judaism. The writer is writing to them in order to warn them of the dangers of such slippage. The writer also encourages them to remain firm in Christianity since everything Christianity offers is superior to Judaism.
Homiletics 2022
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: P.M. 205
Class Hours: 8:30-9:50
II Corinthians 2017
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 304
Class Hours: 2
II Corinthians was written after Paul had heard a positive response from his first letter that was sent to Corinth. After writing I Corinthians, and sending it to Corinth by Tutus, Paul thought the content of the letter may have been too sharp. When Paul did not meet Titus in Troas, he crossed the Agean Sea into Macedonia, and nervously asked people if anyone had seen Titus. After running into Titus in northern Greece and hearing how the first letter had been received, Paul composed II Corinthians and sent it also ahead of his arrival in Corinth.
The approach to the epistle will be a verse by verse exegesis of the material. The student should be prepared to discuss any part of the material that is due the day of class. Special attention will be given to the abrupt changes that are found in chapters eight and nine, and chapters ten through thirteen.
ACTS 1 2020
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 231
Class Hours: 2
In the Gospels one can discover a short synopsis of the life of Christ. In the Epistles one can see the Church as already being in existence. If it were not for the Book of Acts, the beginning of the Church would be a mystery. Therefore, the study of the Book of Acts will cover how the Church began and how it progressed during the first century A.D.
Included in the course will be an extended study of many subjects. For instance, what is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and what does "Speaking in Tongues" really mean? Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Spirit baptism will be another topic, as well as, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Additional subjects such as what really happened on the Day of Pentecost and why did the miracles during Jesus earthly ministry continue for some time after He ascended to His Father, will also be entertained.
Class Code: OT 491
Class Hours: 2
This course is designed to acquaint the student with the concept and working value of a worldview and to contrast two primary worldviews from a standardized version such as the KJV, NKJV, NASB, NIV, ESV...etc.
Psychology of Religion
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PS 421
Class Hours: 2
I & II Thessalonians 2017
Class Code: NT 205
Class Hours: 2
This NEOBC class will cover the two short New Testament epistles from the apostle Paul, writing from Corinth, to the Thessalonian Church. These are the earliest correspondence (AD51), and he, here, deals with such issues of persecution, false teachers, Godly living, and he devotes a significant amount of material regarding end times/the return of Christ. He is also more personal in his relationship with the people there in that church. He gives many short statements about their faithful living for Christ and warnings about being idle.
We will study about the man Paul and how traveling, church planting and letter writing are seen in these short epistles. We will learn about the city and culture of Thessalonia. We will spend some considerable time in the speculative issues of the end times and his insights into the signs of the times.
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 302
Class Hours: 2
The Epistle to the Colossians is an exegetical study of the letter to the Colossians. Ephesians will come later. The class will incorporate grammatical, historical and theological information into the study of this epistle. The historical setting is critical to the materials that will be introduced, and it will be an aid in interpreting the contents of the material in the epistle. Paul is the author of Colossians and he has much to say to us concerning the Christian teachings found in this epistle.
The Epistle of the Ephesians is rated right along with Romans. There is a big debate concerning whether Romans or Ephesians is the greater of Paul's epistles. Most scholars opt for Romans, but a number still are convinced that it is Ephesians. Paul evidently wrote Colossians first in which his themes were Christ and the universe, and Christ and the Church. Then in Ephesians he wrote more about Christ and the Church and added the theme of Christ and man.
Psychology 2018
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PS 201
Class Hours: 2
In this class, we will discuss the dynamic factors within the family. Answering questions...Have you ever wondered if you are creating a dysfunctional family? Are you the product of a dysfunctional family? Do you know the results in adulthood for those who come from such a family? Do you know who you are and what you truly enjoy doing? Do you feel guilty if you are not constantly working and serving or caring for others?
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: OT 408
Class Hours: 2
The Book of Daniel is about the prophet who was taken to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar during the first transportation of Jews from the nation of Judah. The king took the brightest people to Babylon to keep the nation of the Jews in check. The brightest young men were then placed in an environment so that they would learn much about Babylon, education, science, etc.
The class will be an exegetical class. As the time allows the class will primarily consist of verse by verse instruction. However, some passages may be summarized.
Gospel of MARK II
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 106
Class Hours: 2
The lectures on the Gospel of Mark will consist of survey material. It is impossible to cover the entire book verse by verse in exegetical style. Culture and reasons for Mark's Gospel having been written will be discussed in the introduction and throughout the class semesters. The student is not expected to be prepared from the Koine Greek Text, but if he or she knows Greek, please bring any pertinent materials to the class for discussion purposes.
ACTS II 2021
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: NT 104
Class Hours: 2hrs
In the Gospels one can discover a short synopsis of the life of Christ. In the Epistles one can see the Church as already being in existence. If it were not for the Book of Acts, the beginning of the Church would ba a mystery. Therefore, the study of the Book of Acts will cover how the Church began and how it progressed during the first century AD.
Included in the course will be an extended study of many subjects. For instance, what is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and what does "Speaking in Tongues" really mean? Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Spirit baptism will be another topic, as well as, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Additional subjects such as what really happened on the Day of Pentecost and why did the miracles during Jesus earthly ministry continue for some time after He ascended to His Father, will also be entertained.
Homiletics (Spring 2023)
Instructor: Don Cooper
Class Code: PM 206
Class Hours: 9:00 - 9:50 AM